so i'm walking around the city. theres not much too it, like i said anchorage is just a larger west covina.
so i go into a gift shoppe to buy postcards and what not and the girl at the counter asks me out to see the new harry potter movie. it's the opening night so its real tempting. she gives me her number and i just tell her i'll see her there.
it's around 6pm and i see this movie about the northern lights at the science center so i pay $10 bucks to check it out. it's terrible, i fell asleep in the middle of it. it was like some horrible power point presentation with kenny g playing in the background. and the credits were longer than the movie. some naturalist made it so he thanks every professor he's every worked with and his wife and kids and his kids kids and all that. it was one of the worst things i've ever sat through. so i decided that i will make my own northern lights movie. one with action, a surprise ending, lots of deaths and a kick ass soundtrack, but i will have to push this idea off to a later date.
so i do some bar hopping around town, eat a nice king crab meal. and it's light out and i think, wow that movie should be coming up soon. i look at my watch and it's 11:30pm. i'm completely thrown off because it's as bright as noon outside. i'm buzzing hard, with my shades on, and it's coming to midnight. now i've partied in NY where last calls are at 4, but this is something completely different. being trashed during the day, but it's not day. so i get a cab and head to the movie theatre. its totally packed. i never see her, but all these kids are dressed up in witch and wizard outfits, some chick even had a tattoo of harry potter on her arm. it was like going to a star wars convention. so i bust out my polaroid and start taking pictures of all these freaks.
so that was that. took tons of photos, saw the movie which was actually pretty cool even though the chinese girl is a snitch, and by the time i got back to the hostel, it was late enough for me to just grab my bags, go to the airport cause i had an early flight and i just crashed out at the airport terminal until my flight showed up. the whole time wearing my sunglasses.

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