Wednesday, August 15, 2007

the coho is the best dive bar EVER

a conversation at the coho. a couple is playing pool. two fisherman are throwing darts. and the bartender is watching the news.

hurricane Flossie huh?
is Flossie even a woman's name, just doesn't sound right.
they can't call that a hurricane it's in the pacific.
well, yeah politically speaking it should be called a typhoon.
the only Flossie to come through here, ran through town and married Ted Asner.
Was she a Flossie?
Yeah, she's the one they found dead in Juneau.
Oh yeah. But it's definitely a typhoon.
Now a guy in wheel chair rolls in.
Bill, can you change my urine bag?

This is the dive bar of dive bars.


Anonymous said...

OH FUCK! i love love love love this.

David, your writing skills are increasing by the blog.


david said...

oh koko! i know youre a great writer so get out of the office and onto a boat and start l.i.v.i.n.'.