so the title, Jesus was fisherman and a carpenter. and his name is Jesus which means he must be Mexican, like me. this blog is more than just a bunch of random thoughts. i thought i should had some type of goal or purpose to this. ultimately i would like to own my own boat and be a fisherman on my own. this blog, will act as a timetable until that time. right now I'm at ocean beauty sea foods work as a processor. I've been on the slime line as they call it and gut fish for 15 hours and I've also done canning like la verne and shirley, which is terrible b the way. it's only been a week and I've had burns and crushed fingers. the work is like prison and along the week i will just post random things that happen each day. I've noticed i have insomnia most of the time and i space out constantly. on really funny things. for example, i work with a guy name herman. so every time i see him, say in the break room or passing on the floor, i say "paging mr. herman. mr. herman., you have a telephone call." and he's like 40 and looks at me like I'm nuts. he always asks what it's from, but i never tell him. today he quit. he was from Tempe Arizona. so for the past hour or so I've been saying it incessantly in different voices besides the one from the movie. see. this blog will be fun. and when the time comes when i get my own boat it will be funner.
i must go back to work now. bye.
Paging mr. Potatoe, Paging mr. Pine-ate-oh!
sounds like your having a fun time up there dude... Meeting up with Jesus, reading a lot about the christian fellowship and getting stinky-fingers from all of those vicious machines. We do miss you already my friend. Especially during our weekend Jack-n-tha-crack drive-through. We usually have plenty to talk about at 4 in the morning after the party.
but this time we just stared, waiting, looking at the spot on the couch where you usually eat two monster tacos, an XL dr pepper and happily cut a gigantic fart before passing out with a smile on your face.
we miss you.
there's a polaroid of you sitting on steve and john's couch of you sitting on steve and john's couch.
ya that's right.
i tried to feed it curly fries but it just got you all greasy and wrinkled and now the fries are just sitting there. you should eat them.
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