so i called the
original hostel i was supposed to stay at because i had a 2 night reservation there. a girl answered with some
weird as name like
nirvanala and she said
ohhh. yeah
chris took your reservation, he's not really good at that. we have you booked for next week. sorry. i was like what the fuck. and she was all well just take the bus down here and exit at
Seward and we'll take care of you. so i took the bus and got of at
Seward. i walk for about a mile or so with all my luggage and call her.
im like where is this place? and she as all like, oh
noooo, the third
Seward exit, see you soon! i was like what the
fuuuuuuck. but i got a chance to walk through the city. i got to see rose's alterations and tailoring and
wesley's coin shop. none of the fancy things you take on one of those expensive cruises. i got to see the real deal, like the burger barn. this side of the city reminded me of a spread out west
covina. no architecture or anything struck me. it just was what it was. a small town.
so i arrive at the hostel and realize its run by potheads. i load my gear into my room and take the bus back to downtown. the bus system is
awesome here and easy to learn. i went straight for the anchorage art museum. i only had one day so i had to run through it. it was amazing. mostly landscapes and pictures of boats. but these guys were colorists. they were nuts. but then it got better. the
Inuit art was insane. a lot of the images looked like stuff
souther would do as it was very minimal
and child like and there was also a lot of fabric work which reminded me of
caroline. up here you see your friends in
everything. there were tons of awesome sculptures made of ivory. i was very impressed.
upstairs was the history museum which had tons of cool
stuff that showed the history of
alaska, from the ice age land bridge, to the gold rush, to the
establishments made. it was cool.
then i went across the street to the
Russian orthodox museum.
Natascha would have loved it. it was about the size of the press and was long and narrow. very
detailed and a lot of gold work. they had priests working there and they brew there own coffee.
next i went to the anchorage mall. it was funny. especial to see there
nordstroms mac girls. i was thinking,
you're in
alaska. why would you be a mac girl up here?
then i went to a bunch of bars, they have the best beers on tap and the people are really cool. i bet i looked like a tourists trying out and asking about their
micro brews, so after a while i just stuck to
pabst. the rest of the day gets better, but i have to go back to work now. hope this gave you all some insights. bye.